Dr. Philip Peitsmeyer

  • Studies at the Universities of Freiburg, Geneva and Strasbourg (Diplôme Internationale de Droit Comparé of the Faculté Internationale de Droit Comparé); Dissertation at the University of Hamburg (Dr. jur.)
  • Research Assistant at the Max-Planck-Institute for Foreign and International Private Law, Hamburg Legal clerkship (Referendariat) in Hamburg and New York
  • Admission as attorney (Rechtsanwalt) in Germany
  • Previously, attorney at Noerr in Munich and Raupach & Wollert-Elmendorff in Hamburg

Practice Areas:

German, English, French

Selected References

  • Advice and representation of a Management Board member on the defence against directors' liability claims
  • Shareholder of DBV on the sale of all shares to a portfolio company of Deutsche Private Equity
  • Advice and representation of post M&A disputes in national and international arbitration proceedings (inter regarding breach of warranties and rescission of contract)
  • Advice and representation of a shareholder of an internationally active family business in disputes regarding the validity of the transfer of shares in DIS arbitration proceedings
  • Advice and representation of members of the advisory board of an internationally active group of companies regarding defence against claims for annulment of defective advisory board resolutions and defence against claims for damages in DIS arbitration proceedings
  • Advice and representation of the largest shareholder and member of the supervisory board of a listed company in legal disputes concerning the disputed resignation of supervisory board members
  • Defence against an interim injunction prohibiting the implementation of a dividend distribution of a listed investment company
  • Advice and representation of a DAX-listed company regarding the defence against alleged claims arising from an investment agreement before courts in various countries
  • Advice and representation of a listed investment company on the defence against an action for annulment of resolutions of the shareholders' meeting and an action for a declaration of nullity of the annual financial statements
  • Advice and representation in auditor and tax advisor liability cases (inter alia, representation of a medium-sized chemical company in the enforcement of claims against the tax advisor due to incorrect tax advice in connection with the tax treatment of dividend distributions; advice and representation of insolvency administrators regarding claims for damages against auditors due to incorrect auditing of financial statements)
  • Advice and representation of an MDAX-listed company in a joint venture dispute regarding the termination of the joint venture agreement
  • Advice and representation of a foreign international cosmetics company in a joint venture dispute (various court proceedings as well as proceedings regarding the amount of the compensation due to the former joint venture partner in consequence of his exclusion from the joint venture company)
  • Advice and representation of the German subsidiary of a Spanish real estate group on the enforcement of claims for damages against a German bank in connection with the conclusion of SWAP agreements



  • Die Vererbung von Gesellschaftsanteilen an Person- und Kapitalgesellschaften in Deutschland, Frankreich und England – eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zur Herausarbeitung gemeinsamer Prinzipien des Gesellschaftsrechts, Frankfurt et al., 2004


  • Schiedsverfahren bei Beschlussmängelstreitigkeiten in Personengesellschaften, SchiedsVZ 2018, 7 ff. (zusammen mit Dr. Philipp Göz)
  • Gesellschafts- und haftungsrechtliche Konsequenzen der fehlerhaften steuerlichen Behandlung von Ausschüttungen bei Kapitalgesellschaften, BB 2011, 2121 ff. (together with Dr. Sabine Klett)
  • Schiedsfähigkeit von Beschlussmängelklagen bei der GmbH, Der Betrieb (DB) 2009, 1915 ff. (together with Dr. Philipp Göz)
  • Grenzüberschreitende Verschmelzungen, Kanzleien in Deutschland, 8th edition 2007, 776 ff. (together with Dr. Matthias Mielke)

Court Annotations

  • Anforderungen an die Aufgabenverteilung zwischen Geschäftsführern einer GmbH – zugleich eine Besprechung von BGH, Urteil vom 06.11.2018 – II ZR 11/17, NZG 2019, 501 et seq. (together with Julia Klesse)
  • OLG München, Beschluss vom 28.1.2015, 31 Wx 292/14 (Keine Fortsetzung eines Spruchverfahrens nach Änderung der Rechtsprechung zum Delisting; „MWG Biotech AG“), EWiR 2015, 507 (together with Dr. Tobias Nikoleyczik)
  • OLG München, Beschluss vom 14.12.2011, 7 AktG 3/11 (Anfechtbarkeit der Zustimmung zum Beherrschungsvertrag wegen Gewährung von Sondervorteilen in eng verknüpftem Business Combination Agreement, EWiR 2012, 333 (together with Dr. Ingo Theusinger)
  • BGH, Beschluss vom 10.8.2010, VI ZR 47/09 (Haftung des Aktionärs wegen rechtsmissbräuchlicher Anfechtungsklage gegen Kapitalerhöhungsbeschluss – Nanoinvests), EWiR 2010, 805 f. (together with Dr. Ingo Theusinger)
  • BGH, Urteil vom 1.2.2010, II ZR 173/08 (Keine verdeckte Sacheinlage durch Beratungsleistungen bei Aktiengesellschaften – Eurobike), BB 2010 658 ff. (together with Dr. Ingo Theusinger)
  • LG Essen, Urteil vom 09.06.2010, 42 O 100/09 (Nichtigkeit von Einziehungsbeschlüssen bei Verstoß gegen das Konvergenzgebot des § 5 Abs. 3 S. 2 GmbHG), BB 2010, 2399

Other Publications

  • Wenn Short-Seller Kampagnen starten – Aktivistische Aktionäre auch in Deutschland aktiver – Verbreiten negativer Nachrichten noch keine Marktmanipulation, Börsen-Zeitung dated 9 July 2016, p. 9 (together with Dr. Tobias Nikoleyczik)
  • Corporate Litigation – Gesellschaftsrechtliche Streitigkeiten mit Auslandsbezug, in: azur Sonderheft 2007

Dr. Philip Peitsmeyer

Karlstr. 10
D-80333 Munich

T: +49 89 89 05 89-266
F: +49 89 89 05 89-299
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